Ukrainian forum
of netizens
May 25
Kiev, IEC (Livoberezhna metro station)
Vsevolod Dyomkin

For several years Vsevolod worked as a techlead at Grammarly, where he was engaged in research of error detection algorithms in the English language. He continues to work with this company as a consultant.

Vsevolod is an active member of Lisp community. He created several open-source List projects. Among the most popular of them:

* cl-nlp ( - an NLP toolkit

* cl-redis ( - a Redis client

* rutils ( - a collection of modern syntactic utilities

* should-test ( - an intuitive test framework

Co-founder of lang-uk ( project. Its main task is to collect and support data, models and tools for the processing of the Ukrainian language.

Vsevolod used to teach at KPI for more then 7 years. Now he helds lectures on the subject "Algorithms" in the training center Projector (

Fundamental tasks of NLP and methods to settle them

11:00—11:40. Internet technologies

This report will concern the main tasks of Natural Language Processing, basic algorithms and tools for its implementation.

+ Report